Friday, August 6, 2010

Making a switch to whole grains and the "magic five"

After you have detoxed from salt for at least two weeks it is time to ease into the next healthy change.
Start making the switch to whole grain breads, pasta and rice. The calories may be the same or even a little higher but since it is whole grain the sugars are absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream. Also, whole grains have more fiber. 100% whole grain is best but not always easy to find. Try products where whole grain is the first ingredient. If you are eating out ask to substitute a whole grain bread for the hamburger bun, french roll, etc... Most restaurants have some sort of whole grain product. Even corn tortillas or whole grain pita. If you are not used to the taste or texture slowly ease into whole grains, such as, half white and half whole grain pasta or rice mixed together.
The next rule of thumb, try to eat one of the "magic five" every time you consume a bread or pasta especially if you can not get whole grain.
The "magic five" are foods that help slow the absorption of carbs.
These include-
Olive oil
Almonds and almond butter- Unsweetened and unsalted
Peanut butter- unsweetened and unsalted

These are "good" fats, but they are fats so you don't need much to feel satisfied and to slow the sugar absorption.
About 2tsp. olive oil with some balsamic vinegar
2 or 3 olives, sliced
5 Almonds or peanuts- unsalted
1/8th Avocado
2-3 tsp almond or peanut butter- unsalted and unsweetened

Great product to try-
Sprouts Farmers Market brand Raisin Bread (all natural- no fats and 100% whole wheat)
The sodium is quite low at 85 mg per slice. Toast and spread with 2-3 tsp Trader Joe's Organic Unsalted Peanut Butter. I love a few slices of banana, a sprinkle of Trader Joe's Cinnamon and a pinch of unsweetened toasted coconut on my peanut butter- Yummy with a cup of hot green tea or coffee. A great snack at work- every bit as good as a doughnut!

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